Instructions for sharpening knives

Instructions for sharpening knives


Before we start the sharpening, it's necessary to properly prepare the grinding stone. The stone must be moistened with either water or oil, some stones must first be immersed in water for about 5 minutes. We recommend placing the prepared stone on a non-slip mat. The stone should be moist throughout the sharpening. 

We place it on the prepared stone at an angle of about 10 - 15 degrees (there should be a gap of about 49mm between the blunt part of the blade and the grinding stone). We recommend to start grinding from the tip to the handle. The fingers of the other hand, are pressing the blade against the grinding stone and, while still maintaining the angle, we pull the grinding stone and then back to the end of the starting point. This movement we call as one grinding set. After five grinding sets, the blade must be checked. When we have sharpened the knife on one side, we continue with sharpening of the other side the same way.

After sharpening, it's necessary to smooth out the burr with our sharpening steel. We start at the handle base and finish at the tip of the knife by making a continuous movement from the top to the bottom of the steel at an angle of 10 - 15 degrees against the blade. We repeat five times.

Finally, wash the knife with water and dry it. If the grinding was successful, we can verify by cutting a sheet of paper lengthwise with a knife. If the knife cuts it smoothly and without scrubbing, the blade is fine.

After grinding, the grinding stone must be cleaned and stored in a dry place out of direct sunlight.